Wednesday, May 4, 2011

(Nokia) Qt SDK 1.1 including Qt Framework 4.7.3 Libraries Released

The Qt team is truly pleased to release the Qt SDK 1.1 for desktop and mobile development.

Using the Qt SDK you benefit from the Qt Creator IDE as a starting point for your development and you can also speed up your development - especially for touch-screens - with Qt Quick. During installation of the Qt SDK, you select the packages you need. In addition you will receive notification when new features and quality updates are available i.e. Qt Creator and / or new targets. No need to make special upgrades or extra downloads.

What is in the Qt SDK 1.1?

  • Qt 4.7.3 for desktop, Qt 4.7.3 for Symbian and Qt 4.7.0 for Maemo/N900
  • Qt Creator 2.1,
  • Qt Mobility 1.1.3
  • Qt simulator
  • Remote compiler supporting Linux and Mac for Nokia supported platforms
  • Symbian toolchain
  • Madde toolchain for N900

Get your Qt apps into the Ovi Store
Now, all your apps developed with the Qt SDK 1.1 will be accepted into the Ovi Store. Yay!

Qt Developer Days 2011 Munich Announced!

We are also happy to announce the dates of Qt Developer Days 2011 Munich: October 24-26th. Stay tuned for more information on this soon.

Learn more here.

Get More Information
Get the download links and read about the changes here.
Qt 4.7.3 and Qt Mobility 1.1.3 have been released (Labs Blog) here.

I highly recommend you to get these resources to gain skills on Qt Development on desktop and mobile devices :

  1. C++ GUI Programming with Qt 4 (2nd Edition) - Prentice Hall
  2. Beginning Nokia Apps Development: Qt and HTML5 for Symbian and MeeGo
  3. Foundations of Qt Development
  4. Advanced Qt Programming: Creating Great Software with C++ and Qt 4

(copied mostly verbatim from Qt SDK 1.1 release announcement)